Hey all! The following email has been sent out to confirmed classes, with another round going out today for those who enrolled after this was originally sent.
Today/tomorrow I will also be sending out a location map, teacher photo and 2019 event calendar for them to feel comfortable about lesson 1! (I'll add the link to this thread)
After their first lesson we will also be sending out a survey to new families so if there are any improvements that can be made we can act quickly. It will be extremely short and just provide us with a sound understanding of how people view their first lesson experience.
Confirmation email: https://mailchi.mp/b5085945f304/your-yamaha-piano-course-confirmation-for-semester-1-1118325
If there is any additional information I feel is important to share, I will work to get those details to you as efficiently as possible.
Thanks, Kass!